Par Pong Game Rules

The goal is to sink every hole on your side before the opposing team does.

1. Teams:
A standard game of Par Pong is played by two teams, with two players on each team.

2. Deciding Who Goes First
The first team to go is determined by flipping a hole insert. One team calls "turf side" or "foam side" while the insert is flipped. The team that calls correctly goes first.

3. Taking Turns:

Teams alternate turns, with each player hitting one putt per turn.

Players can putt from anywhere behind the black line on their side, which marks the designated putting area.

When a player sinks a putt into a hole, that hole is covered and removed from play.

If both players on the same team make their putt, the team gets an additional turn or "balls back".

4. Redemption:

Once a team sinks all of their holes, the opposing team gets a final chance at redemption.

Each player from the opposing team has one chance to sink as many putts as possible into their remaining open holes.

If both players on the opposing team miss before clearing all their holes, the original team wins.

If the opposing team succeeds in clearing all their holes, the game goes into sudden death.

5. Sudden Death:

In sudden death, the front hole and the two corner holes (back left and back right) are removed.

Teams alternate turns with one putt per player, starting with the team that went first in the original game.

The first team to sink all three of their remaining holes wins.

Redemption is optional in sudden death. House rules!

See Putt Pong in Action! ⛳🔥

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